Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Beach day!
Today was the first day that was nice enough to take Oliver to the beach! We had a wonderful day for fun in the sun. We went with Julie and Jordy and met our new friends Judith and Phineas! Can I tell you how hard it is to get three babes under the age of 9 months to look at the camera? I figure it is pretty self explainatory... He loved, LOVED the water. He would have stayed in there all day. He was busy splashing and kicking. Poor guy was so tired after we made it home. Oh, and something else happened today... Um, Oliver started crawling! WHOA!! It is crazy to think that in a week Oliver can't be wrangled into his baby carseat and he is now officially on the move. It's sad and exciting all at the same time! Enjoy the pictures!

Super Oliver
By day, Oliver is a mild-mannered, big headed babe that has to get his clothes yanked off his head. Sometimes they get stuck...

But, at dawn of naptime, the Oliver you know and love transforms into: SUPER OLIVER! Through the s
hadows of mommies everywhere trying to get their children to nap, Super Oliver swopes in to save them!
All of this, while keeping his eye on the prize... rice cakes!
With his trusty chair by his side, he will save kids from naptime, while learning his abc's! (Do you see the baby man cleavage?)
My poor kid... That onesie was suppose to be 6-12 mo! It was freakin' tiny, so I jammed it onto him to take some pics.
In other news, Oliver has another "big boy" week. We had to get him a new car seat! The days of wrangle-ment are OVER! He has has another tooth coming in. His 4th one and it is coming in on the top. He is moving around now, which is uber scary. Well, Oliver is ready to go, so that means me too! We are going to the beach today. Yippee!!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Really Oliver... do you have to do that?
These days, it seems like Oliver grows leaps and bounds during his naps. It's nuts!! My little guy is becoming a dense, eating machine. If Bill and I are eating, no matter if Ollie just ate, Oliver thinks he needs to eat too. I recently witnessed him down a silver dollar pancake single handed. It was kind of
amazing to watch him wolf it down.

This is Oliver's homage to Wisconsin outfit. I thought it was all too cute to pass it up. As you can see, he is up to his normal shenanigans on his chair. I do tend to think, "Really, Oliver, do you have to fill in the blank?" Notice in picture 3, that he doesn't really sit normally in his chair.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Doggies, Bubbles, and Girlfriends... Oh My!
We were fortunate enough to spend last weekend exploring the area again. We came across the Jamesville park which was great. It was a place that we could actually bring Porter and let him run, which he desperately needed. We also found a "dog oasis" which was a good and muddy creek for Porter to take a dip with some new doggie friends. Oliver had a great time during his first picnic and watching all the pups take a dip.

I couldn't resist and exposed Oliver to another summertime must have. Bubbles!! He was pretty curious about them. He enjoyed batting at them. He also enjoyed watching them float out of reach. Of course, he did get a few popped in his face, but still, he couldn't get enough of them!

Some of you know, Oliver has a little girlfriend from My Gym. (Yes, such a ladies' man!) Her name is Jordyn and she is ridiculously cute! Today, Oliver, Jordyn, Julie (Jordyn's mom), and I made our way to Skaenatles (or Skinny Atlas)'s sidewalk sale. It has been great to find an equally fun and fabulous mom to hang out with! Yes, we have matching strollers. To add to it, we also have matching Petunia Pickle Bottom diaper bags. We also share a liking for an occasional designer baby clothes outfit or 4. :) Oliver was teaching Jordy how to chew on her new knob puzzle. We enjoyed the beautiful surroundings and also found out ducks like Gerber Puffs.
Friday, July 10, 2009
3rd time is a charm
If any one has talked to me lately, they know that Oliver has been good and crabby. Well, I finally found out why. Again, for whatever reason, I stuck my finger in his mouth. This time, his tooth is not coming in the top, like it should, normally. He is getting one that is half way in the back of his mouth on the bottom! To make it more interesting, it is poking through the side of his gums, not the top. Poor kid... Now I know why he has been jamming his nuk way in the back of him mouth. No photos of the piranha teeth, though. Every time I say, "AAH," to try to get him to open his mouth, he just ends up cracking up. My mouth is pretty funny, I guess...
The breaking in of the kiddie pool
So, I've been DYING to get Oliver into water. Pool, lake, stream, puddle... I don't really care. I just want it hot enough to put him in a vessel of water. Today, it was warm enough by my new mommy internal thermometer. Here are some pictures of Oliver's first dip in his kiddie pool today. After about 2 minutes, his poor little teeth were chattering. I took him out. But, as soon as he was out, he proceeded to wiggle all over my lap to play in the water. Needless to say, I was soaking wet... He was having a great time, so I didn't care that we both looked like to soggy messes by the time we came in. Hope everyone has a phenomenal weekend!
Now what is this lady doing to me...
You have wronged me one too many times elephant!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Busy week with Grandma and Grandpa Schulz
The Schulz family has been going non-stop for a little while now. I apologize for the delay in posting new things lately.
In more modeling news, Oliver is potentially going to be in a postcard for my favorite kid's store back in DePere, Sweetpea's. I still get their newsletter and I wrote a quick email to the owner telling her how great her store is and how I missed it. I attached this photo and she asked if she could use it in a postcard for them. No, I'm not a stage mom! This truly was unintentional.
Bill turned 30! CRAZY!! For the momentus occasion, Bill's folks came for a visit. (Well, I think they came to see Mr. Oliver, but we can pretend it was for Bill's b-day.) I was going to boycott making a cake for him, since I just got done with my Wilton class, but I couldn't. I had my mixer going at 6 am on the big day. I made him a chocolate stout cake with peanut butter filling. After we went out for breakfast, I decorated it in about 10 minutes. Not my best work, but I think it was my best tasting! (It is suppose to be the top of a beer mug...)

For his birthday, I decided it would be fun to be the sober driver on a Seneca Lake winery tour. I must say, even if I only did like 3 tastings, it was fun to see the progression of tipsy-ness with Bill and his folks. Too bad the wineries only stay open 'til 5! We could have hit so many more!!
This extremely unflattering picture was taken at the third winery we were at. I already look exhausted and I wasn't drinking!
The 4th was pretty uneventful. We had a good bbq rib cookout in the evening. The morning was spent swinging Oliver and working on Bill's b-day gift. He is now a proud owner of a stainless steel hopper for fermenting his beer. His dad and he were deligently onion drilling his stainless steel for all the valves he needed put it in. Of course, the 4th wouldn't be complete without Oliver being in the cutest outfit ever! Or, the cutest outfit that his mom thinks he could have for the 4th. I do feel like a bad mom for not taking him to a parade, though. I guess it isn't the same when I have to walk more than a block like back in Aurora to get to one!!

Some of the other days that Oliver and I spent with Bill's folks included going to the zoo (of course) and going to Skaneateles. Where? I can hear you saying. It is just like it looks, a place pronouced Skinny Atlas. Not sure if the people that settled that town were good spellers or what! No matter what it looks like, it is pronounced Skinny Atlas. Anyways, it is a beautiful little town that reminds me of Door Co. in a way. We had a great time and some great seafood and shopping!
It was so nice to have familiar faces around for awhile. It is always sad to say good-bye to visitors. But, I just have to remember it is only a temporary situation. It has been a great time nonetheless!
Oliver has been very active on his toy chair. He doesn't feel it is for sitting necessarily... He enjoys launching himself out of it! He spends most of his time with one butt cheek off the chair or in some form of standing around the thing. It makes me realize my "relaxing" days are numbered... very numbered. Enjoy the video! (And, no, we don't sit at home and watch TV all day like the videos would lead you to believe! And, yes, I said up from the attic...)
In more modeling news, Oliver is potentially going to be in a postcard for my favorite kid's store back in DePere, Sweetpea's. I still get their newsletter and I wrote a quick email to the owner telling her how great her store is and how I missed it. I attached this photo and she asked if she could use it in a postcard for them. No, I'm not a stage mom! This truly was unintentional.

Bill turned 30! CRAZY!! For the momentus occasion, Bill's folks came for a visit. (Well, I think they came to see Mr. Oliver, but we can pretend it was for Bill's b-day.) I was going to boycott making a cake for him, since I just got done with my Wilton class, but I couldn't. I had my mixer going at 6 am on the big day. I made him a chocolate stout cake with peanut butter filling. After we went out for breakfast, I decorated it in about 10 minutes. Not my best work, but I think it was my best tasting! (It is suppose to be the top of a beer mug...)
For his birthday, I decided it would be fun to be the sober driver on a Seneca Lake winery tour. I must say, even if I only did like 3 tastings, it was fun to see the progression of tipsy-ness with Bill and his folks. Too bad the wineries only stay open 'til 5! We could have hit so many more!!
The 4th was pretty uneventful. We had a good bbq rib cookout in the evening. The morning was spent swinging Oliver and working on Bill's b-day gift. He is now a proud owner of a stainless steel hopper for fermenting his beer. His dad and he were deligently onion drilling his stainless steel for all the valves he needed put it in. Of course, the 4th wouldn't be complete without Oliver being in the cutest outfit ever! Or, the cutest outfit that his mom thinks he could have for the 4th. I do feel like a bad mom for not taking him to a parade, though. I guess it isn't the same when I have to walk more than a block like back in Aurora to get to one!!
Some of the other days that Oliver and I spent with Bill's folks included going to the zoo (of course) and going to Skaneateles. Where? I can hear you saying. It is just like it looks, a place pronouced Skinny Atlas. Not sure if the people that settled that town were good spellers or what! No matter what it looks like, it is pronounced Skinny Atlas. Anyways, it is a beautiful little town that reminds me of Door Co. in a way. We had a great time and some great seafood and shopping!
It was so nice to have familiar faces around for awhile. It is always sad to say good-bye to visitors. But, I just have to remember it is only a temporary situation. It has been a great time nonetheless!
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