Today we went on a train ride with Santa. Like most kids Oliver's age, he is obsessed with trains! It was a great time. Ollie wasn't really into Santa. In his defense, our Santa looked like he has been living a hard life for awhile. All Aboard!
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Um, we have snow here...
A couple weeks back I remember seeing all my midwest friends mentioning the amount of snow they were getting. I kind of chuckled and thought, "HA! I'm glad that it is them and not me..." Well... I shouldn't have mocked you all because we are getting HAMMERED with the white stuff! If you didn't watch the Today Show, we have been getting 98 hours straight. REALLY!?! Yes... here is some proof!
Monday, December 6, 2010
The Zoo Crew Birthday Party
So, I live life by the Jane Austen's quote, "One cannot have too big of a party," but I also like to add, "or too many parties for the same occassion." he he he This past weekend Oliver got to celebrate his birthday along with five of his birthday friends. Ollie is the oldest one out of the group and then Jordyn is the youngest (12/25 is her birthday). Then, the other four kiddos birthdays are in between. So, the mommies decided we should just do one big celebration. It was a fun time at My Gym.

Monday, November 15, 2010
Our little man is 2!
Friday was Oliver's second birthday! I'm in shock and disbelief to be honest. But, it is exciting all at the same time. We were lucky enough to have my parents come visit for the occassion. We haven't seen them since June, so it has been nice to have them around. We had Oliver's two best buds and their families come over for a little dinner. My thought is was that this is my last year where I can design a party that I (yes I) want. So, we had a little man party. I sewed all the kids (and myself) bowties. It was fantastic!

Friday, November 5, 2010
Ollie got his haircut
It is with great sadness that I write this. Oliver... got a *tear* haircut. Whew, that was hard to type! My vision of my little blonde curly surfer boy long hair was in reality a frizzy, mullet mess. It was time for a trim, so my vision will be a little bit more uniform. My friend, Judith, and I scheduled back to back appointments for our boys so we could get through it together! Here are some pictures.
(The watching TV pic is the after result.)
Monday, November 1, 2010
Halloween 2010
I LOVE HALLOWEEN! I would spend all day and night crafting things for it if I didn't have to be a functioning member of society. I also seem to live for dressing Oliver up. I couldn't resist and got him two costumes. (In hopes that one would fit him next year, but that isn't happening...) So, he was a blue furry monster and a plaid elephant.

This year, I was blessed to have two good (equally crafty) friends from Wisconsin come to visit the weekend before. We went and picked pumpkins and apples and then carved some masterpieces. We had a little pumpkin carving evening playdate here at the house. It is always fun to see all the kiddies in their costumes.
Then, the day after the girls left, we had another Halloween playdate at our friends Seth and Emmas' house. (Ollie's costume turned a little au naturel there...)
Then, the day after the girls left, we had another Halloween playdate at our friends Seth and Emmas' house. (Ollie's costume turned a little au naturel there...)

The weekend of Halloween we went to Zoo Boo with our friends the Phillipson family. The zoo needs to be open at night more often. Ollie was really enjoying the active penguins. And, Sunday, brought a little trick or treating. Luckily for Oliver, both his grandmas made sure he would get candy! He really didn't even need to walk out his door. Did I mention I made beef stew with ghosts made out of mashed potatoes for dinner? Yep, I love halloween!! .
Friday, October 8, 2010
Park date with mommy
Ah, today was BEAUTIFUL!! You couldn't NOT go outside today. Daddy was in Boston for a meeting, so we needed to do something all day. To make it a little more difficulut, Ollie got diagnosed with thrush (YUCK!), so we tried to stay away from our kiddy community activities. So, we went downtown Syracuse and got both of us some Starbucks. (Yes, Oliver is addicted to coffee. I bring a sippy cup 3/4's full of milk and then fill the rest with my drink of choice. And, he does love scones like his momma.) And then we were on the hunt for some fun mustache goodness. (Why? Well, we are having a small "mustache bash" for his actual birthday dinner. We were successful!!)
After nap and lunch, we ventured to Thorden Park. It was a fun time, minus the tube slide that makes children go mock speed out of it. Oliver didn't go down it until a 3year old boy pushed him aside to go down. Well, nothing like a little peer pressure to make him go. I made it to the end just in time to prevent him from breaking his neck... Oh, and there also was the time he went down the slide on his tummy and ate a mouth full of dirt. But, all is a days' trip to the park for a boy!! Oh, and no trip to Thorden is complete without a run down the hill!
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