It has been quite a week, to say the least. For anyone that didn't know, Oliver and I got into a car accident on Monday... on the way home from the DMV! A gentleman decided it would be a good idea to turn left into us. Both of us are just fine. Oliver was shook up, but no injuries. After releasing the car to a different body shop, the Progressive agent called and said my beloved Mazda 3 was totaled out. It was a sad day for me. I loved my orange hatch back!
Oliver, again, tapped into his artistic side. He was making a masterpiece out of Bill's Father's Day present and some cards for his great grandpas. Both he and I needed to take a bath after he was done. It isn't a good idea to hold yo
ur son like you normally do when he is this covered in paint! The tub had quite the colorful ring around it.
Saturday, we unfortunately had to cancel our camping trip to the Adirondacks. It has been raining here all weekend. I didn't think that was the best condition for Oliver's first camping experience. We did, however, spend the entire day car shopping. It was a close race between a Subaru Tribeca and the Mazda CX-9. Ultimately, the CX-9 won. This is my new vehicle, the grape ape. She can fit up to 7 people. So that is the entire playgroup and their moms... if there were a playgroup and moms in existence.
Lastly, Happy Father's Day to you dads out there! Bill is busy putting his gift together. He got a duo gas/charcoal grill plus a bunch of stuff for smoking. His grill is a smoker as well. It has been amazing watching Bill be a dad. Every day when he walks in the door, Oliver just lights up. Melts my heart everytime...
Yay! Happy Father's Day Bill!! I think that's the grill we have and we LOVE it! He'll have a blast.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the new car. :)
sweet car! was hoping to see a photo.
ReplyDeleteOh man, Ollie, you are one lucky man..finger paint!! You have gotsta get your mom to talk my mom...looks like ooober fun! Sweet new ride too, we are still packed in like sardines in mom's Saturn ion. I can't convince her or dad to get a me a new ride since they just paid it off:)They keep on telling me I need more siblings first..wish me luck!