Sunday, we went on a day trip to Niagara Falls. It is approximately 2 1/2 hours away from Syracuse, so it was feasible. We get there and Bill finds an "information" center. Well, Bill just hears "shuttle to Maid of the Mist" and we are scooped into a van. Little did we know, we just got put on a full-fledge tour van, not just a shuttle to Maid of the Mist. To make it even more interesting, we are on a tour with this guy: 
He also took pictures for us, but there is no guarantee that they were good. Stroller may be included...
Our tour guide, who refers to himself as The Candyman, was a fast paced guy. Because we just thought we were going to Maid of the Mist and not a crazy town tour, we didn't feed Oliver. He was also on schedule for a nap... The little guy fell asleep on Bill in the van right before we were getting to the whirlpool of the falls.
We finally got to Maid of the Mist. I packed Ollie's rain coat, but as you can see Maid has baby sized ponchos. The temp was hot that day, so Bill opted out of the poncho.
Because you get pretty wet, I became Bill and Olivers' human shield. Ollie enjoyed it and thought it was the best way to drink water. It was amazing to be that close to both the American and Canadian Falls. After the boat ride, it was time to get back into the van. One problem... The Candyman couldn't get it to start. So, he piles all of us on the trolley. No problem... except it is packed and we have our monster stroller. It would have been much quicker if the trolley driver didn't come back and chew out Candyman for putting his tour groups on his trolleys. Akward...
The last stop was the Cave of the Winds. Oliver had had enough by this time. So, I decided to stay back and not wait in line with Oliver for two hours for 15 minutes of walking on algae ridden slippery stairs.
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