Today, there was a cultural fair up the block from our house. If anyone has talked to us, we probably tell you that our neighborhood is pretty hip and happenin'. And, today just showed us, aside from the annoying college kids across the road, how cool it really was. As I type this, I can hear the bands playing. The city closes down the "main drag" in our neighborhood and there is basically a festival all day. I also have seen about 40 kids racing past our house as part of today's festivities. Ollie got to witness his very first parade today. He is a puzzling guy to me. He will cry when his girlfriend Jordy laughs or makes noises. But, put a 15 person drum corp in front of him and he is quite. What? What was that? He is going to be a drummer like his mommy. That is what I think too. :) He really wanted the drummers to come back.

And, lastly, if you are a mom, I probably asked you about Oliver's "condition" last week. Yep, my son now has five chompers! Again, I will say this, teething... a necessary EVIL! Here is a glimpse of his "ugly face" that shows some of them
off well.
Okay, I must go. Oliver and I are leaving on a jet plane on Tuesday to go to MN for a week. I will have four days without Oliver. I think that is the longest I've been alone since I've had Oliver. It should be interesting to say the least.
Minnesota!!!You're going to be in my neighborhood...wish you could *pop* on by Fargo bud! Nice chompers by the way..I've got the same smile:)!