Friday, July 10, 2009

3rd time is a charm

If any one has talked to me lately, they know that Oliver has been good and crabby. Well, I finally found out why. Again, for whatever reason, I stuck my finger in his mouth. This time, his tooth is not coming in the top, like it should, normally. He is getting one that is half way in the back of his mouth on the bottom! To make it more interesting, it is poking through the side of his gums, not the top. Poor kid... Now I know why he has been jamming his nuk way in the back of him mouth. No photos of the piranha teeth, though. Every time I say, "AAH," to try to get him to open his mouth, he just ends up cracking up. My mouth is pretty funny, I guess...


  1. ummm yeah, I hear ya man, this is my second round of teething and EVERYONE is suffering as a result! Waahhahhaha! Has your mom tried giving you and ice cube in one of those food nets? I love it and it gives me pleasure and relief for all, even if it is just for five minutes.
